Havel at Columbia


Protest, a play by Václav Havel

Photo: Protest, a play by Václav Havel MFA Theatre program in the School of the Arts
Dec 15-Dec 17

Schapiro Studio, 605 W 115th Street

Directed by Nadia Foskolou ?Dramaturgy by Jennifer Driscoll?

Friday, December 15th- Sunday, December 17th ?Times: TBA
Schapiro Studio?


Is it true that Prague used to be a city where books? and people lived? ?If so, then what happened to the forbidden manuscripts ?that circulated secretly, inside innocent flowerpots? ?And your signature? Is it enough to save a pop singer? from jail? ?Come see this one-act Václav Havel play about a man? living in dissidence, and another one inhabiting the ?"grey zone". And be prepared to answer the question, "What would YOU do?"